Flagship Species of Naejangsan Mountain National Park

What is a flagship species?

In national parks, ecologically, geographically, and culturally unique animals and plants in need of human care are selected as flagship species in order to promote national interests in nature.

Lycoris chinensis var. sinuolata (Endangered Wild Plant level II, Korean endemic plant)
  • Lycoris chinensis var. sinuolata
  • Lycoris chinensis var. sinuolata

This is a Korean endemic plant called 'Sangsahwa (Magic Lily)' because its leaves and flowers can never meet. The leaves grow from the end of February to May, and the flowers bloom from the end of July to early August. The flowers are deep yellow.

Chrysochroa fulgidissima (Endangered Wild Plant level II)
  • Chrysochroa fulgidissima
  • Chrysochroa fulgidissima

These plants are 25mm~40mm long with a gleaming luster. Their heads are dented in the middle, and they have dark brown compound eyes. Imagoes can be seen from July to September, and the larvae live in rotten nettle trees or zelkova trees.